On 1 March 2021 the SDA was exposed as secretly negotiating a scheme to undermine part-time employment and part-time additional hours in retail workplaces (not including pharmacies, service stations or fast food.) The changes would mean an employer could only offer additional hours to part-time workers who agree to a special scheme which means all the additional hours are rostered each week whenever the employer wants, with no right to refuse a shift, no right to exit the scheme, no casual loading, no overtime rates and a measly 9 hour contracted base. Right now hundreds of thousands of part-time workers agree to work additional shifts that suit them – but this smashes all that. Every additional shift could be offered only to workers who agree to being forced to work any shift which gets rostered no matter their family commitments, carer commitments, study commitments or transport arrangements. This attack by SDA targets the low paid, women and the vulnerable who rely on additional hours to put food on the table and a roof over their head. If you want job security, a fair wage and the right to have control over your hours then be sure to complete our survey below.
The Fair Work Commission heard the application on 5 March 2021 and has set 12 March 2021 for all evidence to be filed in relation to the case. This attack on part-time workers will have huge ramifications across retail. SDA and MGA (Master Grocers Australia) are hoping to sneak these changes through under cover of COVID but their effect is to smash the rights of part-time workers, casualise part-time work without any casual loading and entrench exploitation. RAFFWU is opposed to the changes. SDA and MGA have not filed any evidence. This survey will be used to identify critical evidence which will inform the Fair Work Commission about the true impact of the changes on part-time retail workers. For more information about the case, including the application, visit the FWC website at: https://tinyurl.com/SDAattacksPartTimers
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