We represent our members every day at Bunnings, and our Bunnings members have been fighting for a better deal – a real wage rise rather than a real pay cut, proper penalty rates, proper overtime rates and much more.
In June 2023 Bunnings rushed through a vote for a new enterprise agreement. Bunnings did this to avoid having the new deal compared to the Award, where the Award wages increased by 5.75%.
The new enterprise agreement will improve some conditions for Bunnings workers. It will abolish the bank of hours, stipulate regular rosters for all non-casual workers, phase in the 5th week of annual leave and lift wages in September.
But it could have been so much better. The reality is that some workers at Bunnings will continue to be on conditions below the Award.
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Why join RAFFWU?
We know that workers win better conditions by organising together, and we are always ready to help our members in doing that.
We are a grassroots, member-led union that involves members directly in bargaining for a better workplace agreement, including at bargaining meetings.
To learn more, see our FAQ page.
Members need to have joined before a workplace issue arises in order for RAFFWU to help you with that issue. Be sure to join now so that you get the industrial advice and support you need, when you need it.
In the fight for a better deal at Bunnings, join the union that fights for you – join RAFFWU.