RAFFWU is your fighting union at KFC.
For 20 years, the SDA and KFC teamed up to make dodgy enterprise agreements that smashed worker rights and suppressed wages. In return, KFC recruited workers to the SDA.
RAFFWU is the only union in Australia that has campaigned to overturn these rotten deals. On behalf of our members, we have fought for a better enterprise agreement for workers at KFC. Our campaigns have returned many of the penalty rates long denied workers which have cost many workers tens of thousands of dollars.
In 2019, KFC negotiated a new enterprise agreement. While it improved conditions for many workers, it still left workers worse off than the minimum Award.
RAFFWU represented members in those enterprise bargaining negotiations. We fought for a much better deal.
Part-time minimum hours under the modern Award must be contracted for set shifts. The current enterprise agreement at KFC doesn’t do that, leaving part-time workers in a situation akin to casual employment, but without casual loading.
Securing the best workplace agreement with better wages, safety, job security and conditions needs many workers campaigning together. Together we fight and together we can win.
To organise your workplace at KFC, join the union that fights for you and encourage your co-workers to get involved.
RAFFWU is a grassroots, member-led union – a union for workers, not bosses.
KFC Breaks Class Action
With the support of RAFFWU, Shine Lawyers are currently investigating a class action on behalf of KFC workers who were not given paid 10-minute rest breaks when working shifts of four hours or more.
Find out more and register for the class action here.
We strongly encourage eligible workers to register for the class action. You may be eligible to register for the class action if:
You are a current or former KFC worker;
you worked at a KFC restaurant in Australia between October 2017 and 2023;
Become a member today!
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