Workers took action at Coles

In 2023 and 2024, RAFFWU members at Coles pursued a bold list of claims in negotiations for a new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA). An enterprise agreement locks in core conditions like wages, penalty rates, casual loadings, leave, job security, rostering and more.

Our members at Coles took industrial action in 2023 in order to fight for what they deserve: a living wage, safe workplaces and job security. 

Superstrike action by RAFFWU members in October and December 2023 was unprecedented in Australian retail history.

A sellout deal was agreed to by SDA in February 2024. Coles and SDA misled workers into the deal but still over 12,000 workers voted against the deal. Despite many thousands of workers suffering real wage cuts, SDA promised workers better wages.

In the end, the Fair Work Commission approved the agreement with additional undertakings from Coles.

RAFFWU knows the deal leaves workers far worse off than the minimum Award. We will continue to represent and fight for our members at Coles.

Join your fellow workers in the fight for fair wages and conditions by joining our Union today.

Coles & SDA Sellout Workers

Our members’ claims for a new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) included:

  • A living wage of $29/hour as a base rate for workers, before the addition of penalty rates, casual loading, overtime or any other loading;
  • The abolition of junior rates, supported wage rates, trainee rates and any other poverty rates at Coles;
  • Proper penalty rates for weekends, evenings and public holidays;
  • Improved job security and conversion rights for casual Coles workers

You can read the full list of member claims here.

Since early 2020 we campaigned to get Coles to the negotiating table for a new enterprise agreement. RAFFWU is the only union representing Coles workers that took action to secure the pay and conditions that our members need. The sell out deal means workers cannot take industrial action for 4 years.

A group of Coles workers and RAFFWU members on strike outside a Coles store, with their fists raised in a gesture of solidarity.

Coles workers and RAFFWU members on strike at Gladstone

A group of workers outside a Coles store. Several have their fists raised in a gesture of solidarity, and there are two red and blue flags representing the Retail and Fast Food Workers Union.

We are the only union fighting to replace the dodgy SDA workplace agreements that have seen Coles workers ripped off for years.

In 2017, our members’ campaigns returned penalty rates, overtime rates and other conditions to Coles workers worth over $100M per year. But the 2017 enterprise agreement reduced other worker rights, and RAFFWU was the only union running a Vote No campaign to that enterprise agreement.

You deserve a much better deal at Coles.

Organise and win with RAFFWU

Every day we wage and win local store campaigns – such as stopping sexual harassment at Coles Coburg North when management refused to act on complaints. Read more below.

RAFFWU organises with its members every day at Coles.

We represent our members in workplace bargaining, and in disputes over rosters, wages, safety and many other issues.

Our members have been represented by the Union in disciplinary matters, in tribunals and in court.

Workers are stronger when we organise together. Join RAFFWU today and help to improve your workplace conditions with your fellow workers.

Our members have secured wins against bullying from managers and co-workers, abuse from customers, staying back unpaid, working through breaks, and not having their proper classification recognised.

Along with returning penalty rates and other conditions to Coles workers, we are also the union whose members have successfully campaigned for improved workplace safety.

In 2020 and 2021, when Coles frontline workers were faced with unprecedented risks from COVID, our members won the campaign for hand sanitiser and masks in stores to protect workers.

We are not beholden to the bosses and so will always be able to escalate our member driven campaigns as far as needed to get the best outcomes for members.

Why Join RAFFWU?

We are a union for workers, not bosses.

In retaliation to our organising and fighting for members, Coles has announced it will stop workers from paying their union fees by payroll deduction. We will never go soft on a boss when they threaten worker rights. This means workers can stop SDA deductions but need to pay their RAFFWU fees by means not controlled by Coles – such as direct debit or credit card.

Get out of the SDA and join RAFFWU, the union that fights you.

Click on the “Become a member” button above.

Members need to have joined before a workplace issue arises in order for RAFFWU to help you with that issue. Be sure to join now so that you get the industrial advice and support you need, when you need it.

You can read more about RAFFWU and what we do on our FAQ page.

Securing the best workplace agreement with better wages, safety, job security and conditions needs many workers campaigning together. Encourage your co-workers to get involved in RAFFWU, and join the union that fights for you.

Two Coles workers and union members are standing outside a Coles store with their fists raised in solidarity. One is male and one is female.

RAFFWU – Fighting For Your Rights in the Workplace