Woolworths workers strike!
In 2023 RAFFWU members at Woolworths unanimously endorsed workplace claims that they pursued for the new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA). An enterprise agreement locks in core conditions like wages, penalty rates, casual loadings, leave, job security, rostering and more.
Our members at Woolworths took industrial action in 2023 and 2024 in order to secure what they deserve: a living wage, safe workplaces and job security. The sellout SDA deal denied these rights and, if approved, will block worker industrial action for 4 years.
This is what SDA offers bosses. Sellout deals and industrial action blocking. SDA has been helping bosses like Woolworths screw millions of workers for decades.
Superstrike action by RAFFWU members in October and December 2023 is unprecedented in Australian retail history.
Join your fellow workers in the fight for fair wages and conditions by joining our Union today.
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A living wage at Woolworths
SDA and Woolworths cut a deal which denied workers living wages, secure jobs and safer workplaces. In bargaining, our members set our claims and we pursued them including by taking direct industrial action.
Our members’ claims for a new enterprise agreement included:
- A base rate of $29/hour for all Woolworths workers, before the addition of penalty rates, casual loading or overtime;
- The abolition of junior rates, rates, supported wage rates, trainee rates and any other poverty rates at Woolworths;
- Abolition of the RT3 automated rostering system;
- The right to a minimum shift length, minimum part-time contracts of 12 hours/week, and conversion rights for casual Woolworths workers
You can read the full list of claims endorsed by our members here. These claims represented our members’ determination to pursue a better deal for workers at Woolworths.
RAFFWU fights for you
For decades, Woolworths workers were paid less than minimum Award wages. Sell-out deals between Woolworths and the SDA meant that workers were getting far less than they deserved.
RAFFWU members exposed this dodgy behaviour in 2015 and 2016. We worked for three years to overturn a rotten enterprise agreement.
Our members were the only Woolworths workers at the table during enterprise bargaining in 2018.
We forced Woolworths to give back.
Minimum penalty rates, casual loading, shift rates, overtime rates, uniform allowances and more were reinstated in 2019 because our members organised and fought for their rights at work.
But that 2019 agreement, which was rushed through by Woolworths and the SDA, should have been so much better.
Most of all – there was no backpay to compensate for years of wage theft. Over $1 Billion ripped from workers.
When your roster is bad, your workplace isn’t safe, you aren’t being paid properly, or for any other issue – fight back with RAFFWU.
Get out of the SDA
You can stop SDA deductions by clicking the red button below and sending the email which it generates. Get out of the SDA and be represented by the only fighting union for Woolworths workers – RAFFWU.
Our members win
Every day our members wage and win local campaigns, including at Woolworths Moorabbin and Woolworths Lilydale.
You can watch a short video about the Moorabbin workplace safety campaign here.
Read more below about our members’ campaigns.
Why join RAFFWU?
Members need to have joined before a workplace issue arises in order for RAFFWU to help you with that issue. Be sure to join now so that you get the industrial advice and support you need, when you need it.
RAFFWU is your active, grassroots union at Woolworths – a union for workers, not bosses.
Securing the best workplace agreement with better wages, safety, job security and conditions needs many workers campaigning together. Encourage your co-workers to get involved in RAFFWU, and join the union that fights for you.
You can read more about RAFFWU and what we do on our FAQ page.