Retail and Fast Food Workers Union Incorporated v Voy Pty Limited in SYG1850/2022

On 12 September 2023, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia declared Voy Pty Limited took adverse action against a RAFFWU member who worked full-time for the business.

In late 2022, RAFFWU commenced legal action against Voy Pty Ltd.

The action related to a white goods retailer in regional NSW.

The action involved adverse action against a member of RAFFWU for exercising their workplace right to personal leave.

The employer paid our member for their pain, hurt and suffering the equivalent of 5 months wages.

We are delighted the matter resolved with compensation paid to our member for their pain and suffering, and a declaration made by the Court for the offending conduct.

It pays to be a member of a fighting union. #fightbackwithRAFFWU

Download the Court Order here: Order-1292023-152711471