To ensure that RAFFWU emails are delivered to your inbox, please add us to your safe senders list by following the step-by-step instructions below:

Microsoft (, or Email Account

  1. Log in and click the “Settings” icon at the upper right-hand corner of the page. Choose “More Mail Settings” option.
  2. Under “Preventing junk email” section, click “Domain to mark as safe”.
  3. Click “Safe senders”.
  4. In the “Sender or domain to mark as safe” field, enter and click “Add to list”.

    Gmail Email Account

    1. In the search bar at the top of the page, click the downward arrow for more options.
    2. In the “From” field, enter
    3. Click “Create filter with this search” at the bottom of this dropdown window.
    4. Choose “Never send it to Spam”.
    5. Click “Create filter”.

    Moving RAFFWU emails to your Primary Inbox:

    1. Go to Promotions tab (or whichever secondary inbox our emails are being sent to) and open an email from RAFFWU.
      • Click “Labels” at the menu bar.
      • Untick the checkbox beside the word Promotions in the dropdown menu then click “Apply”.
    2. Alternatively, go to Promotions tab. Left-click and hold on a RAFFWU email.
      • Drag it from Promotions tab to Primary tab.
      • Release the mouse to drop the email into the newly selected tab.
      • Once dropped, Gmail displays a pop-up box asking if you want to make this change permanent.
      • Click “Yes” to ensure that all emails from the same “From” address will appear in the Primary tab going forward.

    Mac Email Account

    1. From your inbox, open an email from the Sender.
    2. In the “From” line, click on RAFFWU to bring up an options box.
    3. Choose “Add to Contact” from the dropdown menu.

    Yahoo Email Account

    1. Log in and click the “Settings” icon at the upper right-hand corner of the page. Click “Settings”.
    2. Under “Filters” section, click “Add”.
    3. In the “Sender” field, enter under “Then deliver the email to the following folder” field, choose “Inbox” and click “Save”.

    BigPond Email Account

    1. To request a whitelisting, send an email to BigPond Technical Support with either:
      1. the original email as an attachment
      2. the following details:
        • Sender’s email address
        • Sender’s official website
        • Reason for whitelisting

    Other Email Account

    1. Click “Options”.
    2. Click “Safe senders”.
    3. Add the Sender’s email address to the safe senders list and click “Confirm”.